Meet the Director: Naomi Rose-Mock
Next Fall is our first Coffeehouse production of this season. Like many of our Coffeehouse shows the story and themes explored in this play are much bigger than the intimate performance space.
Next Fall examines love, family, and religion through the eyes of Adam and Luke. Veteran Tallahassee director Naomi Rose-Mock stepped in to direct this delicately funny and bittersweet story.
First, tell us a little about yourself and what you do when you're not involved at TLT?
I'm originally from England, and have been acting, playing instruments
and singing for as long as I can remember. I typically direct five to
seven shows a year around the Big Bend. In addition to directing, I
teach music and theatre to developmentally disabled adults at Pyramid
Studios and work as a private acting coach.
When did you first get involved at TLT?
I became involved at TLT in 2005, and have been involved in over 40
shows since that time, both as an employee and freelance director.
How has TLT changed your life?
TLT has had a huge influence over my family's lives. My husband, Mike,
has been involved behind the scenes in set building, stage management
and crew for loads of shows and my stepdaughter, Laura, has honed her
skills as a lighting designer, stage manager and crew at TLT as well.
What was the last show you directed and where?
Most recently, I directed
Les Miserables for the Leon Chorale
Department, a show that consisted of 67 students that represented the
best of the best of the entire county.
What drew you to directing Next Fall?
Next Fall is an honest, real and brilliantly written script that is, by
turns, hilarious, heartwarming and heartbreaking. I was excited to work
with a small group of actors to tell this story.
What would you say is your biggest challenge on this show?
The biggest challenges are to let the material speak for itself, and
maintain complete honesty throughout. Also, playing the non-verbal
communication with equal or greater importance than the dialogue. This
is a show that has a non linear plot construct, moving the audience
seamlessly through time and locales- this is a challenge in a space as
intimate space as TLT's Coffeehouse.
What message do you hope to send with this production?
The message here is simply a story of humanity and it's flaws. The
relationship dynamics presented here are both universal and relate-able.
Why should people come to see Next Fall?
Come see the show for the brilliant script and honest acting. When I
say that you'll laugh and cry, it's not just a turn of phrase, this
show is an adventure for the emotions. See you there!
Tickets for Next Fall are on sale now! This show opens on September 14th and runs for two weekends. Showtimes are 8pm on Fridays and Saturdays; 2pm and 7pm on Sundays (two shows). We will be having discussion panels hosted by several local guest speakers 45 min prior to each show. For a full list of speakers and topics, please visit:
Naomi Rose-Mock |